Air plants, or epiphytes, grow on hosts like trees. They thrive in bright, indirect light; smaller silver leaves need more light than larger green ones. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent burning. Water air plants by misting once or twice a week with filtered water or soaking them for 10 minutes. Always let them dry upside down to avoid rot.
Water every 3-5 days for smaller plants, every 5-7 days for larger plants.
Bright, indirect-light.
Fertilize once a month from spring to fall with a specialty. fertillizer.
Can reach anywhere from 2"-9"
No need to repot!
Non-toxic to pets
Cacti can make great houseplants, provided they get enough sunlight! Cacti are desert plants, thus are accustomed to direct sunlight and periods of drought. They have adapted by storing water to supply them in these periods. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Water less frequently in the winter, as they enter dormancy during this time. Proper drainage is key when it comes to Cacti. Be sure to repot with succulent and cacti potting mix in with a drainage hole.
let dry out by 100% between waterings
direct sunlight
fertilize once in the spring and fall with a specially fertilize
mature size will depend on variety
most species of cacti are non-toxic and pet safe

Calathea Ornata
The Calathea and Maranta families have what most consider to be the most beautiful species of plants. The Pinstripe Calathea is no exception; with its pink veins mimicking careful brushstrokes. Although striking, they can be tricky to care for. Calatheas require warm temperatures, consistent moisture, and plenty of humidity. Place your Calathea on a pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity or invest in a humidifier. As for placement, a spot near a bright window is ideal. As too much sun will cause them to burn but too little and they will lose their vibrant hue.
let top 2-inches of soil dry out between waterings
medium, indirect-light
fertilize every two weeks during the spring and fall
mature size is typically 3 ft tall by 3ft wide
non-toxic and pet safe

Epipremnum aureum
Golden Pothos are often recommended for first time plant parents due to their forgiving nature. They can bounce back from a missed watering or two. Although they may not flourish, Golden Pothos are tolerant of low light conditions. Although they would prefer bright, indirect light. You can train your Pothos to climb up a moss pole or let it naturally trail. They are stunning either way!
let dry out by 50-75% between waterings
bright, indirect-light
fertilize twice in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 30 ft long
toxic to pets and humans when ingested
Calathea Veitchiana
Calatheas are notorious for being difficult to care for. However, If you can keep up with the Medallion Calathea's list of demands, you will be rewarded with eye-catching leaves in shades of green and purple! They require warm temperatures, consistent moisture, and plenty of humidity. A spot near a bright window is ideal. As too much sun will cause them to burn but too little and they will lose their vibrant hue. Medallion Calathea's will also benefit from the occasional shower to remove dust from their leaves. You should also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week to keep your Calathea shiny and healthy!
let top 2-inches of soil dry out between waterings
medium, indirect-light
fertilize every two weeks during the spring and fall
mature size is typically 2 ft tall
non-toxic and pet safe

Goeppertia insignis
Calatheas are notorious for being difficult to care for. However, the Rattlesnake Calathea is considered to be the easiest of the bunch. They require warm temperatures, consistent moisture, and plenty of humidity. A spot near a bright window is ideal. As too much sun will cause them to burn but too little and they will lose their vibrant hue. If you can keep up with the Rattlesnake Calathea's list of demands, you will be rewarded with eye-catching leaves in shades of green and purple!
let top 2-inches of soil dry out between waterings
medium, indirect-light
fertilize every two weeks during the spring and fall
mature size is typically 10-20" tall by 10-18" wide
non-toxic and pet safe
Ficus Lyrata
Fiddle-Leaf Figs are known for being fickle, but with proper care they will reward you with lush leaves and rapid growth! Fiddle-Leaf Figs thrive in bright, indirect light. Frequent rotation will prevent lopsided growth. They also require high humidity and the occasional dusting of their leaves. Fiddle-Leaf Figs are prone to root rot. Allow their soil to dry out before giving it a thorough soak! Due to their rapid growth cycle, your fiddle will need to be repotted annually!
let dry out by 75% between waterings
bright, indirect-light
fertilize once in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 10 ft tall
toxic to pets and humans when ingested

Peperomia Rosso
Peperomia Rosso is a hybrid consisting of Peperomia Marmorata and Peperomia Metallica. Like other Peperomia, you will find them in the tropical regions of South and Central America. Peperomia have very sensitive roots and are prone to root rot. Proper drainage is key to keeping your Peperomia healthy. They will even grow well in a cactus in succulent mix. Be sure place your Peperomia Rosso is a semi shaded area, as they can burn in too much sun!
let dry out 50-75% of the way between waterings
medium, indirect-light
fertilize twice in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 8" tall by 8" wide
non-toxic and pet safe
Monstera Adansonii
The Swiss Cheese Monstera is aptly named due to the slits in its leaves, or fenestrations. The Swiss Cheese Monstera is a climbing vine. You can let it trail out of the pot or train it to climb up a moss pole. The Swiss Cheese is native to Central and South America, and is accustomed tropical conditions. Provide your Swiss Cheese with bright filtered light, proper humidity, and consistent moisture to make it feel right at home!
let the top 2" of soil dry out between waterings
bright, indirect- light
fertilize once in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 10 ft tall
toxic to pets and humans when ingested

The Latin term Succulentus roughly translates to "sap" or "juice." Succulents in the simplest terms are plants that store moisture in their roots, stems, and leaves; making them very drought tolerant! While some have specific needs (Lithops for example!) a good rule of thumb is the thicker the leaves, the less frequently it should be watered. This is not to say you should give it less water. Always water your succulents thoroughly, as you would any other plant!
let dry out 100% between waterings
direct sunlight
fertilize once in the spring and fall with specialty fertilizer
mature size will depend on variety
most varieties are non-toxic and pet safe
Pilea Peperomioides
The Chinese Money Plant is non-toxic and low maintenance, making a great houseplant for new plant parents and pet owners. It is native to Southern China where it was believed to bring good fortune to its owner. One of our favorite things about the Chinese Money Plant is that it is very easy to propagate! You will find that your Money will begin producing pups! Just snip these pups at the stem and either replant in soil or place in water! You will see roots in no time!
let dry out by 50-75% of the way between waterings
bright, indirect-light
fertilize twice in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 12-inches tall
non-toxic and pet safe

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia
The ZZ Plant is as hardy as they come! They can tolerate low light, require infrequent watering, and are resistant to most pests! These combined factors make it a great plant for beginner plant parents! The ZZ is native to Eastern Africa where it experiences periods of drought. The ZZ stores water in its potato like root system called a rhizome. Allow your ZZ to dry out thoroughly between waterings! Although they are tolerant of low light, they would prefer bright indirect light!
let dry out 100% of the way between waterings
bright, indirect-light
fertilize once in the spring and fall
mature size is typically 4-ft tall
toxic to pets and humans if ingested
Air Plants are what we call epiphytes. Epiphytes are plants that grow on another host, most commonly a tree. Unlike other plants, they do not receive nutrients from this host; but from the air. In general Air Plants need bright, indirect light to flourish. Those with smaller, more sliver toned leaves will need more light than those with larger, greener leaves. Avoid direct sunlight, as these can cause them to burn! There are two appropriate methods of watering your Air Plants. The first is to spritz them once or twice a week (depending on their size) with filtered water. Give them a good shower when you do! The other method is to let them sit in filtered water for approximately 10 minutes.
mist or soak once or twice a week depending on size
bright, indirect-light
fertilize twice in the spring and fall with specialty fertilizer
mature size will depend on variety
non-toxic and pet safe